Montana University System Student Insurance Plan

尽管学生健康中心提供优秀的门诊服务, 所有学生都必须携带医疗保险,以防发生意外或重大疾病. 菲律宾十大彩票平台学院通过蓝十字蓝盾保险公司为学生提供健康保险, and complete information is available on the Blue Cross Blue Shield website. 学生费用评估包括蓝十字蓝盾学生保险.

保险计划旨在支付主要医疗费用,包括但不限于住院费用, outpatient surgery, prescriptions, and emergency services. It does not cover vision or dental.

2024-2025 Insurance Plan Information

学生也可以选择在不同的公司购买医疗保险. 如果学生不放弃蒙大拿蓝十字蓝盾学生保险, they will be charged for the student insurance plan.

NOTE: 远程学习课程的学生不符合学生保险的条件.

Blue Cross Blue Shield Resources

If you have questions, please contact the Student Life Office at 406-496-4477

2024-2025 Fall, Returning Students (6-month coverage)
Dates Student Rate SHC Fee Total
8/1/2024 to 1/31/2025 $2,192.00 $10 $2,202.00


如果你是一名付费学生,在菲律宾十大彩票平台学院注册了6个或更多的州支持或自费学分, you are eligible for the insurance. You must elect the insurance before the end of the 15th class day.


The insurance will begin on 8/1 (Fall) and 2/1 (Spring), 只要在注册期间按要求付款.

Enrollment Period


在第15个上课日之后,学生将不被允许参加学生保险,除非提供证据证明该学生在申请加入学生保险计划之前的30天内从其他保险中退出. 在这种情况下,费用将与学期开始时相同. The premium will not be prorated.

Graduating or Leaving Montana Tech

如果你即将毕业或离开菲律宾十大彩票平台学院,并且目前参加了学生蓝十字蓝盾保险计划, your insurance will terminate. Montana Tech only sponsors a program for enrolled students. 如果你和你的家人在学生保险计划中,你可以为他们找到另一个保险来源.


  • Ask what your deductible options are and how they affect your costs.
  • Find out what is covered and what is not covered.
  • 看看如果你离开城镇、州或国家,你的福利有什么变化.
  • 询问保险公司是否有网站,你可以在上面查看整个保单.
  • Check with your auto insurance to see if they offer a medical plan.
  • 问问你的朋友和家人,他们的保险提供者是谁,他们对他们的感觉如何.

Don't be afraid to ask questions more than once. 如果有人说了什么你不明白,再问一遍,直到你明白为止. This is your insurance and your money.

Waiving Insurance

蒙大拿州理工学院的保险政策规定,所有参加6个或更多国家支持或自我支持学分的学生都有资格参加学生保险计划. 远程学习课程的学生没有资格参加学生保险计划.

NOTE: International students on non-immigrant visas (F, J, 等)必须向学生生活办公室提供书面保险证明(在第15个上课日之前),以便放弃保险.

To waive the Student Blue Cross Blue Shield Insurance:

  1. 有其他健康保险的学生可以在每学期接受在线账单时放弃蓝十字蓝盾计划和电子豁免费用.
  2. A waiver is valid for the semester.
  3. Waivers should be completed prior to fee payment

International Students

International students on non-immigrant visas (F, J, etc.)在美国居住期间必须拥有并维持主要的医疗保险.